The Water Buffalo, also known as Bubalus bubalis, is a significant livestock animal in the agricultural and farming sectors of the country. Originating from South and Southeast Asia, they have been domesticated for centuries. There are two main types of water buffalo in Malaysia, namely the river buffalo and the swamp buffalo. River buffaloes are typically larger and produce more milk, while swamp buffaloes are hardier and better suited for work in rice paddies and fields.
The natural habitat of these buffaloes includes marshy areas, riverbanks, and damp grasslands. They have the ability to thrive in wet and muddy conditions and are often seen wallowing in water to cool their bodies. Buffaloes in Malaysian society are closely associated with agricultural activities, where they are used for plowing fields, transporting crops, and also as a source of meat and milk. Buffaloes play a significant role in ensuring the livelihoods of farmers and the rural economy.